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Sony 3DTV Release Dates and Prices

sony 3d tv
The pricing and shipping details of Sony’s latest televisions in Japan and its related accessories have been revealed.

These new television sets have the same style of the NX800 series that is already available with the edge-lit LED LX900 completing the full 3D package.

The NX800 series was also announced in Japan today, accompanied by fellow 2D-only HX700 LCD and DVR-packing BX30H televisions. The IR emitter is built in and it comes with two pairs of RealD active shutter glasses. So all that is required is a source to a the 60-, 51-, 46- and 40-inch models, having prices ranging from $6,444 to $3,222

Posted: March 9th, 2010
at 8:00pm by admin

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Categories: Sony 3D TV

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